Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dojo 1.0 and Beyond

Here's a presentation I gave last year about the Dojo library.

The presentation will teach you:
1. What is Dojo.
2. Dojo design goals.
3. Dojo concerns (widgets, packaging, data access, DOM scripting and performance).
4. Difference between Dojo Core, Dojo Dijit and DojoX and what's inside each package.

Presentation URL:
What is Dojo 1.0 and Beyond

For more about Dojo, visit dojotoolkit .

Here I go again...

It's been a while since I updated this blog... sorry :-)

SO (crossing my fingers),
I'm back in town, and plan to update this blog regularly.
I'll start with posting some presentations I gave at work (sharedbook dot com).

Stay tuned !